
[新闻] 不写完不许走!这家专治拖延症的写作咖啡馆火了

huier12345677 发表于 2022-5-13 10:24:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题


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  “The Manuscript Writing Cafe only  allows in people who have a writing deadline to face!” owner Takuya  Kawai tweeted. “It’s in order to maintain a level of focus and tense  atmosphere at the cafe! Thank you for your understanding.”
  The cafe, which only opened a few  days ago, charges patrons by time used (it operates at a rate of 150 yen  or $1.32 per 30 minutes), and is equipped with USB ports, computer  stands, and free Wi-Fi. Struggling writers can also bring their own food  and drinks, or have it delivered there since coffee and water are the  only things available, but it’s pretty strict when it comes to the  actual writing.
  Although the Manuscript Writing Cafe  actually accepts a wide range of writers, from translators and  copywriters to novelists and proofreaders, the rules are the same for  everyone. When entering the cafe, patrons must write down at the  reception desk how many words they plan to write and by what time they  plan to finish. Every hour, a member of the staff will come by to check  on their progress and apply a predetermined pressure level to help move  things along.
  For example, opting for the “S” course will have the cafe staff more aggressively pushing you to get the work done, while the “M” course involves a more mild approach.
  However, the craziest rule of the  Manuscript Writing Cafe is that writers are not allowed to end their  session until reaching their declared goal or until the place closes  down for the day, whichever comes first. It’s not clear how the cafe  enforces this rule, but it is meant to keep patrons from declaring  ambitious targets that they won’t be able to meet.
  The space in which the Manuscript Writing Cafe operates is actually a recording and broadcasting studio called Koenji Sankakuchitai. The cafe itself is only open when the studio isn’t, so you won’t be able to go every day. However, Takuya Kawai makes sure to always announce the next date that the cafe will be open.
  写作咖啡馆的经营空间实际上是一间名为Koenji Sankakuchitai的录音和广播工作室。咖啡馆只有在工作室不开放时才营业,所以你无法每天都光顾。然而,店主保证会提前通知咖啡馆的下一个开放日期。
  While some found it intriguing, others said that it was too much pressure.
  “If it were me, I would no longer be able to leave the store and would end up having to live there,” one person commented.


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